Monday, February 22, 2010

2012 Official Countdown - The End of The World December 21, 2012

@ The Kapten Kit Desire 2010 wrote;

Get paid for doing so. And look for more Independent Integrations Developer to serve as a Convergence & Divergence, who uses Twitter to find the best local information to share with readers.

Finally, let’s not forget citizen journalists. One only needs to remember the iconic images of the London Underground bombings in 2005, the first-hand reports of the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, or the tweets about the Iranian elections in 2009 to be convinced of their lasting impact.

Citizen journalism will continue to be effective and necessary, but individuals don’t need to learn how to be journalists for the profession to survive. Instead, journalists this year will learn how to become better citizens, re-connect with their communities and earn back the public’s trust.

Be Now or You Will Be Never
The media used to be our most credible source of information. It was the only way companies could deliver a message without the hard-sell of an ad. Readers automatically trusted the news since journalists often just corroborate our own world views. But the Web has brought new ways of communicating.

Anyone with a cell phone and an Internet connection can produce news, even become relevant and trustful. More importantly, Twitter and live streaming tools like Qik turned communication into something unfettered and instantaneous.

Web time is “real time” – and more and more it’s the traditional “trusted” media that are slow to react. With each major news event there are millions who are experiencing their “Kanye West moment” for the first time; when we realize that the more authoritative sources we once trusted are sometimes too slow.

When West, a rapper, jumped onstage during the MTV Video Music Awards and interrupted singer Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech, the reaction was immediate. There were more than 5,000 tweets in the first five seconds. As the show went on, more than 50,000 people published about the incident, according to MTV.

My own “Kanye moment” came during the aftermath of the Air France AF447 crash off the coast of Brazil. Edelman Brazil posted on Twitter all the statements put out by the airliner and monitored the web to measure the repercussion. Hours later, there were already more than 1,000 re-tweets (people spreading the news via their own Twitter accounts).

A community opened on Orkut, Brazil’s largest social network, and grew to more than 5,000 members, and more than 500 blogs re-published news from online portals.

It is almost impossible to control the velocity and reach of news these days. Events, TV shows, movie premieres, accidents, scandals, elections they are all commented on by people online. As communicators, we need to be prepared to address issues and react quickly and intelligently.

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Independently Integrations Developer

The New Morning Paper
Habits are evolving. We first replaced our local morning paper with online news sites like the New York Times or aggregators like the Yahoo home page. But now another shift is underway. Our first login is an early morning look at Twitter or Facebook via mobile phones.

We now learn about breaking news stories like increased violence in Iran or Tiger’s indiscretions first from our friends’ Tweets and status posts not from Matt Lauer. The data illustrates the trend. Akamai, which analyzes Internet traffic, says usage starts to rocket at around 6 a.m. on the East Coast.

The most trafficked hours are between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Verizon Wireless reported that the number of text messages sent between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. jumped by 50 percent in July 2009, compared with a year earlier. Journalists too are starting their day with social media.

Mashable’s study on journalists’ social media habits found that the pros use social media as “personal news aggregator[s].” At the crack of dawn, they check their Facebook and Twitter accounts to see what stories friends and other media are posting and which topics they are discussing.

Is it ironic that even when we aren’t quite ready to grumble up a “good morning” to our families, we are ready to join our social party online for the hottest news? That’s what’s on my mind as we start 2010.

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Independently Integrations Developer

Converging Divergence
The web is nothing if not infinitely complex. Every time you peel back a layer or explore something new, you find a whole community, with complexity and dynamics all its own. At the same time, Google has become everyone’s “home page.” Google accounts for nearly nine out of every 10 searches, from basic factoids to new products and emerging communities.

To connect with people successfully online, we must embrace both the “convergence” of search as well as the “divergence” of the modern Web and understand how they complement each other.

The way forward is simpler than we might think at first. By pursuing a strategy of dispersing our web presence, we can also improve performance in Google and therefore address convergence, too.

Consider this: social networks like Facebook, Flickr and YouTube are really “mini webs” unto themselves. So, just as you have a traditional Website to ensure a basic Web presence – and hopefully a good deal more – you can also have a presence in online communities, or what we also refer to as “digital embassies.”

Establishing “digital embassies” like this has direct online visibility benefits. For example, cross linking between your embassies can improve your search results, thereby raising your profile and generating more conversation about your brand, issue or product.

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“Give Me Just 5 Minutes Of Your Time And
I'll Give You The Real Deal Truth About 2012... And I'll Even Show You How After All The Dust Settles, You Can Come Out On Top...”

From the Desk of:
The KaptenKitDesire2010 @

Dear Truth Seeker,

Are you tired?

Tired of all the misinformation out there about 2012?

If you've done even one Google search on the topic you know what I'm talking about...

The Mysterious Planet X will shift into earth's rotational path and collide with our planet! All life that isn't immediately destroyed will be flung from the surface and into space!

An explosion of gravity will drag the planet earth to the center of the galaxy where it will be swallowed up by all the other planets and possibly even a massive black hole!

A meteor will hit the earth, causing concurrent massive tsunamis . The impact will make the bombing of Hiroshima look like a ripple from a pebble tossed into a lake.

Bold claims... absolutely.

Anyone claims to know what's going to happen in the future... that's pretty bold on its own. But to predict something this huge... this life-changing...

That's super bold.

And that's not even the worst of it.

Because the boldest claims of all are the ones put out by the skeptics and cynics. The boldest claims are the ones that deny anything at all will occur.

Because... to say nothing is going to happen, means you're just not paying attention.

Let me be clear about this...

There is one thing that remains completely undisputed by anyone who is truly informed...

“Every Major Religion... Minor Religions You've Never Heard Of... Non-Religious Spiritualists... And Even Atheists And Agnostics Agree...”

In 2012... something will happen.


Aaaah... that's the issue in dispute. That's the issue that is causing all the debate.

And that's where you're having the most trouble deciding what is fact... and what is pure Hollywood fiction.

I'll give you full access to that answer in just a moment.

Satellite Photo Of New Orleans During Hurricane Katrina

If any of the experts are right. If any of the learned historians I've researched are even close to being correct...

The disaster we're facing in 2012 will make the one Todd and Gene lived through seem like just another Monday morning.
I'll get back to their story in just a second. Right now I want to talk about you.

You're here reading this and that tells me something.

You're searching for the truth.

That's a good thing. A good sign. Because finding the truth isn't easy.

So many are relying on the media to tell them what to think and how to feel about 2012.


Nostradamus Predicts 2012?

The same media that has lied to you so many times before?

The same media that has made numerous documentaries on the subject of 2012... a couple dramatic films... and even cable tv specials...

If you think this would be a good place to look for the truth, you are wrong.

You see “Hollywood” and their dodgy attempts to bring this subject to you proves only one thing...
“Hollywood Doesn't Know Squat!”

Heck... each of their own projects has a different ending! How is that supposed to inform us?

It's the same with mainstream book publishers. All different ideas... each leaving out the stuff that doesn't sell their premise.

Plus you have to know what fuels that media. It's greed.

And sometimes the truth just isn't profitable.

Sure... scare the people a little bit and they might buy more bottled water, canned foods and flashlight batteries...

But if you dare to give them...

“Too Much Truth...”

They might also stop buying things like new cars... furniture... electronics. That could mean total collapse of the financial system.

And the media can't have that, now can they?
On something as important as the 2012 age we're entering, it's paramount that you get all the truthful information you can...

All the input from all the proven sources...
Even when one source contradicts another.

That's what I've done with “2012: The Official Countdown”.

You get all the angles... from all the true experts.

And it's written in a compelling way that not only gets you informed but it keeps you up to date and allows you to make the ultimate decision.

It helps you decide for yourself.

It's not some book that will gather dust on a shelf until you turn around one day and it's December 21, 2012... Too late to do anything about it.

The package you sign up for today is the ultimate source for all things related to 2012.
Because in 2012...
“How Many Of
These 2012 Topics Have You Not Even
Heard About?”

(Check all that apply.)

The Hopi Prophecies
Mother Shipton
The Swan – Cygnus
Sacred Geometry
2009 Moon Bombing
The New World Order
The Illuminati
Crop Circles
The Sumerians
The Great Polar Shift
Enoch I and Enoch II
The Age Of Aquarius

“The Strong May Survive...
But The Informed Can Actually Thrive!”

And I'll personally show you how.

But before even getting to that...

You need to absorb all the information you can. You need to make choices about your life... about the lives of your family members.

And you can't do that without having the whole truth at your disposal.

We're not just talking about learning from the printed word... 2012: The Official Countdown is a multi-sensory package that travels with you, no matter where you go.

In “2012: The Official Countdown” you'll discover...

The very real impending threat of worldwide domination stemming from 2012. And how this takeover can be accomplished with no boots on the ground at all..

The mystery of the “modern mayans”... and how the History Channel and National Geographic may have been lying to you all along...

Exactly where you DON'T want to be on that fateful date. And where your head MUST BE in order to thrive once all is said and done...

How a decree from the Pope himself may be the reason the truth is so hard to find. And you'll know how to cut through the muck to separate fact from fiction...

The way in which ancient and modern beliefs intersect on the topic of 2012. Yes... scientists and Shamen on the same side for a change...

Whether the US will survive this calamity... and what you can “bank on” when the entire financial system collapses. Will cash be king?

How the Mayan Skywatchers worked backwards to discover the precise moment the planets would “reset.” Is this the big do-over the world needs?

The down and dirty truth about how the calendar we have been using for centuries is so inaccurate we would have done better to just carve days into a tree trunk...

“But... isn't this just another scare like Y2K
that will just fizzle out and die?”

No. Y2k was a manufactured problem that was blown up to be bigger than it ever was.

Y2k was based on early computers not using a four digit date. The fear was that once we reached Y2k these dumb boxes would interpret that to mean 1901... or even 0001.

A tiny software patch and voila... disaster averted.

2012 is based on historical anomaly, scientific fact and spiritual coincidence.

“But... nobody can really know when
the earth will end, right?”

I can only answer that for you by saying there are ancient people who thought they knew.

And when modern science digs into their ideas it makes some of the brightest minds on the planet say... “Hmmmm... you know, it could be...”

Plus, when you look into just how accurate our modern calendars are, the predictions are eerily more accurate then ever imagined.

“But... this stuff isn't in the bible. And if it's not
in the bible, it just ain't true!”

Who said this wasn't in the bible?

Which bible are you reading? Because... I promise you, it's in there.

And I'll show you where.
“UFOs... End Of Times Predictions... Men In Black... Secret Government conspiracies... isn't all that Hollywood bunk?”

Many believe so.

But today there is real evidence that some of it's real. And in 2012: The Official Countdown I help you separate the real from the fake... the wheat from the chaff... the meat from the bone.

But ultimately I'm not going to force feed you an answer. By the time you devour the information you're getting, you'll be able to tell me the answer.

“There are tons of so called experts on this subject. Why you, James? Why should anyone listen to you?”

I'm only here to help.

I'm not trying to get anything from you. I'm not looking for “followers.” It's just that story of Todd and Gene...

The hugeness of what's coming is frightening. And when facing something that big, I just don't want you to end up being Gene.

That's why I'm here. That's why you're here.

And... to prove I'm only here to help I'm going to make the whole thing risk-free for you. That's right...

And here's what you're getting with this once in a lifetime offer...

2012: The Official Countdown

The Truth Revealed Guidebook

This is the main e-book. The 2012 bible, some are calling it.

Because this is where fact and fiction are separated. The only place where you get the unwashed
unadulterated truth.

Your power comes from knowing the who, what, where and hows of this life changing event.

In this guide age old questions will be answered...

Why the year 2012 and not 2112 as many thought? You're not going to believe this! Page 7

The New World Order... the Illuminati... and their effect today... on 2012... and beyond. Page 102

Is it true the USA will be wiped off the face of the planet? Know the truth! Page 35

Are we really being visited by creatures from another dimension? The facts will astound you. Page 85

When did the 676 year cycle of the 13 heavens actually begin? Page 31

When did 500 years of darkness begin? And what follows it? Page 41

And so, so much more...
Prepare To Live: 2012 Survival Guide

Survival needs to be number one on your list.

Afterall... how can you help usher in the new age of man if you're not here?

I've painstakingly researched and put compiled this companion ebook.

A must read for 2012, sure... but also a great reference to have around no matter what the disaster.
Now you'll know...

How to measure the true magnitude of commentary catastrophes we may be facing. Page 18

What the New World Order will do on the day when the dollar finally collapses? Page 63

Which of these four things will occur to give the powers that be the excuse to impose martial law? Page 56

The 65 items you must have in your medical survival case. How many life-saving items are you missing? Page 50

The household item you need to treat the water supply and save your family from dying of thirst. Page 37

How to setup your own wind and solar power plants. Will it really come to this? Page 38

The Truth Revealed Portable MP3 Audio

The Official Countdown package is multi-media.

This means when it comes to getting hold of accurate information about 2012, you're not stuck staring at a book...

This professionally recorded and expertly voiced MP3 module is
the perfect thing for family members who refuse to read more than 10 words at a time (the kids). Now they don't have to. Because internationally known voice actor Scott Woodside reads the entire "Truth Revealed" guide from cover to cover.

All that information mentioned earlier and more. And you'll be on top of it anywhere you go!

In 2012 and beyond the strong and strong willed may survive. So hit the gym while you hear the truth about Planet X and Nibiru...

Burn a CD for your car. Now your time spent going to and from work will not be wasted. Learn about the Annunaki and Sumarians on your commute...

Share the MP3 with your family. Load it into your kid's ipod... your wife's cellphone. Now serious, helpful information about 2012 is with them always...

Understanding the accuracy of the long count Mayan calendar is much easier when you hear it explained to you. Complex issues simplify with audio...

Know everything you need to know about the Ox Lahune Baktun cycle, without ever having to trip over the words.
The 2012 Membership Zone

The best laid plans of man are always flawed.

I don't claim that everything contained in this package is perfect. (Although it's close!)

That's why you also get free membership!
Updates... corrections... new theories. You get them all... FOREVER!

Save yourself a ton of time researching! We do it for you and keep you updated on the countdown as we get closer.

We'll discuss the various films as they're released... documentary specials, new scientific findings... and more!

I also plan a special series of phone interviews with other experts in the field. Each will be instantly available for you to add to your MP3 collection!

And so much more!

The 2012 Membership Zone is truly your one stop hop for all things 2012 related.

I'm Ready To Sign Up, KaptenKitDesire2010 @
You're skeptical...

I get it.

I think I would be too.

The information out there is so confusing and in most cases just plain wrong. And frankly... you may still not know who to trust.

How much is it worth to you to have the peace of mind you need for your family?

Before you answer that...

Let me ask you this...

If you were to hire experts to go out and do all the research I've done...

Do you know how much this package would cost?

I personally have put in over 11,557 hours of painstaking research for this project.Eleven thousand five hundred fifty-seven hours!

If you hired even a moderately priced researcher with the right background it would cost you at least $50 per hour.

Multiply that by 11,557 hours and we're talking about a bare minimum of $78,850.00 to duplicate what's in this package.

Don't worry... you won't have to pay that much... and you won't have to do any research!


If you were to find just one life changing moment... one epiphany in 2012: The Official Countdown Package...

How much would that be worth to you?

Do you believe elaborate crop
circles are just a hoax?

In fact... let's talk for a second about how much not having this information may cost you!

Your chance for survival... Not knowing the real deal on 2012 could mean you're caught off guard. And that means game over for you.

Your loved ones' chances for a future ... Not knowing the truth could jeopardize your family and their chance of reconciliation with their own spirituality...

Your ability to help shepherd in a new era for man... If the worst of what is imagined comes true, your fellow man needs you. Our future depends on it.

And I'm not over-reacting. This is dead serious!

So... you ask how much this will cost? Not $7,850... not $1,000...

I could remove a zero and that's how much you'd pay for sketchy information in a handful of Amazon books. And you don't get the portable audio... the updates... the membership...

But... because you're savvy and are signing up for 2012: The Official Countdown right now, you won't even pay that $100 price...

Although we both agree that would be a great deal.

You won't pay $99... $89... or even $79. This price cutting is getting crazy.

You're getting all of this...

2012: The Truth Revealed: The fully exposed 360 degree look at the whole 2012 countdown. ($49.95 value)

Prepare To Live: 2012 Survival Guide: Everything you need to survive and thrive in any disaster. ($39.95 value)

The Truth Revealed Portable MP3 Module: The professionally voiced Truth Revealed to go! ($29.95 value)

2012: Truth Revealed... Secret Report: Perfect as a quick starter or to get a loved one interested in 2012. ($19.95 value)

The 2012 Membership Zone: Update central for all things 2012 related! ($120.00 per year value)

That's a total value of $259.80...
I'm Ready To Sign Up KaptenKitDesire2010 @

“Hold On... I Want To Do My Part...”

Because I believe we need more forward thinkers working together before 2012...and after...

I need to get this multi-sensory package into as many hands as possible.

In order to do that I know I have to make a deal you can not pass up.

It's really all up to you at this point.
There are two paths you can take. One is the road most traveled. The road 99% of us will follow. The road that could lead mankind like lemmings off a cliff into a great abyss.

Then there's the other road...

The road that leads to the truth... leads directly to your future. The road leasttraveled...

By now you know what you need to do. Just click the link below to join.
I'm Ready To Sign Up, KaptenKitDesire2010 @

Remember... “2012: The Official Countdown” is unlike any other package you might see out there.

It's not a book. You don't send away for it and wait two weeks...

Rather, it's a multi-media, multi-sensory discovery system. Instantly downloadable and fully backed by my exclusive money back guarantee that can not be beat.

It's what you do with this information that will make the difference.

All the best advice in the world means nothing if you don't take it.

So take my advice. Sign up now.
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For Immediate Release:This is not another “sky is falling” warning like y2k...
It's not some made up event by conspiracy theorist. And it's certainly
not something dreamt up for a Hollywood movie...

Enter Your Name and Email Address In
The Form On The Right To Discover...

Where well-meaning “experts” went wrong...and why governments of the world ultimatley decided not to tell you
the truth.

What is really going to happen in December of 2012... and exactly how millions will be affected, and your world will be turned upside down... forever!

How you can safeguard your life... and the lives of your family members. Because you really can survive... and spiritually
thrive in the wake of this life-changing event.

December 21, 2012 will be the most important date for all of Humanity. The ancient Mayans created the Long Count calandar to mark this date as the beginning
of a new cycle for Mankind.
But see why some people are calling 2012 "Doomsday" and the end of the world ...
As we know it! Don't believe the Nay-Sayers... Learn the Real Truth about 2012.
Don't Delay, Join Now For
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“This information is beyond incredible! I was worried that I was going to get another book about 2012 that was hard to understand with the lack of evidence. Instead I received a package that blew my mind away with highly researched material that simply hasn't been discussed before. James Sayer is the one guy who knows his stuff about the coming events in 2012. Even if you don't believe in 2012 I still recommend everyone read this...

John Dale
Wiltshire, UK
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The real truth about Goverment Coverups, Swine Flu Pandemics and known natural disasters that are headed our way...and how people with power are not telling you everything they know...

Learning how you can help turn what many believe to be the darkest period in history into the most enlightened. Could universal racial harmony really be achievable?

The truth about the Sibylline Books and the end of the world. And how so much faith has been put in texts that turn out to be a fraud...

Discovering the massive “phantom” that's hiding right behind the sun. Is it Niburu? Planet X? Something else entirely? And how will this change your survival plan?

An multi-pronged survival plan. Will it be Adam and Eve all over again? If so... do you have what it takes to start over for humanity?

The I-Ching Prophecies... Mayan calendars... Hopi Indians teachings... Aztec calendars... On what subjects are they in sync? This might blow your mind!

Unearthing the truth about “The Fifth Age Of Man” and whether 2012 is an ending... or a much needed new beginning for us all.

Realizing “The Age Of Aquarius” isn't merely a Hippie anthem, but a time in history we're already in. And how does this coincide with “The Age Of Completion”?

Discovering how you'll deal with simple things like drinkable water... breathable air... even going to the bathroom in 2012. It may not be pretty... but you'll have to know this stuff!
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Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 13:42:37 -0500
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" Learn The WHOLE TRUTH About The Dalits, Caste System And Untouchability In India That No One Tells
You About ! "


Now don't get it wrong: the statement above is not an attempt to get you to buy this ebook, because even if you do buy it, you have the option to demand a no questions asked full-refund within 8 weeks if you don't get what is promised.

But, as is very often the case with information, 'what you don't know entirely and from authentic sources, you do not know at all'!

YOU - and practically everyone helping them - has the RIGHT to know the complete and true expanse of the plight of the Dalits, about the Untouchables, about the Caste System and everything else connected with it.

Oh yes, many publicists, so-called benefactors of the Dalits and dubious sources on the internet will tell you the plight of the 167 million Dalits in India is terrible, but they neither give you a coherrent, authentic, real and clear picture about their condition and about the specifics, nor tell the truth about what is happening on the ground.

Similarly, the evangelicals soliciting funds in the name of the Dalits will harp about how bad the plight of Hindu Dalits is, but they won't admit the plight of Dalits in their own religious community.

They will also tell you that Dalits want to convert out of Hinduism, but they won't tell you that Christianity is NOT their destination (Surprised? There are a lot of surprises in the book).

At the same time, they will tell you that the Dalits are a weak people, but they won't tell you how they mostly pay lip-service and do precious litlle to strenghten the Dalits!(Surprised again?)

Some others will provide you piecemeal information about atrocities against Dalits, but none of them provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the violence they face daily - physical, emotional, social, spiritual, religious and political violence - and how the politician-official-casteist forces presides over it all!

Believe it or not, there is much more to the plight of the Dalits and Untouchability than you have ever been told by ANYONE or will learn from the internet and from vested interests parading the plight of the Dalits.

The complete story is begging to be told....

....the Dalit story about their religion, their thrice wronged women, their economic deprivation, their children, their search for a spiritual place, the exploitation of their plight, their conversion, what needs to be done to improve emancipation efforts and much more.

....the story about the origin, development, perpetuation, enforcement, code, justification, sanction, true present status, decline and a lot, lot more about the Caste System that perpetually yokes the Dalits.

Will you lend them an ear? Then....

Learn The Whole And Unexposed Truth

Truth About Dalits,
Caste System And Untouchability

Buyer Report
"All customers were pleased with the product. We have given 'Truth About Dalits' an overall rating of 3.97/5. This is above the averge of all the products we list - it is one to go for"
Pages: 202
Pics: 29
Publisher: Dusky River Publishing
Year: 2009
Format: pdf; EBOOK(instant download)
What is Truth About Dalits?
See Contents And Extracts

Truth About Dalits is the single source to effortlessly get a grasp of plight of the Dalits, the Caste System and Untouchability in its entirety, like never before.

It is a product of extensive research and pursuit of facts, drawing from 'Manusmiriti' - the bible of caste conduct, 'Rig Veda' - the fountainhead of the caste system, and a plethora of scholarly and statistical sources, combined with the author's real-life exposure to the realities facing the Dalits on a daily basis.

It extensively takes you right from the start of the Caste System around 1500 BC and the 'creation' of the Dalit to the present pathetic state that the Dalits find themselves in because of discrimination.

You get to know in detail, the Dalit plight, the Caste system and Untouchabilty as it worked in ancient India and as it works out today, minus all the hype, confusing and contradictory information put out by all and sundry.

A complete departure from the usual Dalit writing, Truth About Dalits delves deep into the Dalit plight and the Caste System from multiple prespectives, covering 83 different topics, illustrated with 29 exceptional photographs.

Truth About Dalits provides irrefutable evidence and traces the roots of shocking Dalit problems, be it atrocities and discrimination, educational backwardness, unemployment, conversion, pitiful condition of dalit women, religious identity et al., and then objectively analyzes the current situation.

Through its pages, Truth About Dalits also reveals the very rarely talked about shocking elements about the plight of the Dalits and the Caste System.

You Can Get All This Information In Minutes

When You Order Truth About Dalits Via
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YOU ALSO GET an unconditional moneyback guarantee. Read the book in detail. Keep it for up to 8 weeks. If this book does not deliver on what we promise, then write and tell us, and we''ll send you a prompt and courteous, no hassles, no questions asked, 100% refund.

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To open the document, click on the link above, or copy and paste this URL into your browser.

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